When the concept of Superstitious Magic first came to my mind, I thought it was very suitable for Brutal Races.

In an environment where races that are constantly at war with other races and within themselves either are not aware of or do not care about what they lose in the long term, it’s very possible that traditions providing access to powerful magic would not develop.

The lack of infrastructure for undertaking high-level magical endeavors, such as academies where arcane magic is taught, libraries housing books of spells, and powerful and large temples operating with a master-apprentice system, could be a common characteristic across all Brutal Races.

The significant part of the culture being oral rather than written is also a major deficiency seen in many real-world Eastern cultures. Although not a direct allegory, it’s clear that a situation worth drawing inspiration from has emerged. It’s not unusual to assume that orcs living in the mountains wouldn’t record much of their cultural aspects outside of religious rituals or songs.

It also doesn’t make much sense for goblins, who are forced to live under the command of stronger and bigger beings, form looting gangs, and are restless when on their own to leave behind lasting works.

In this case, they could be using a ridiculous mix of religious, magical, mystical, and alchemical methods, many of which are made up and passed down by word of mouth, as a method of magic. Sometimes incomplete formulas accidentally combine with another formula and work, sometimes missing spells are completed by the power of a magical area they are in, or more interestingly, fey, demons, or other powers wanting to use beings with Superstition for their purposes might temporarily intervene in the situation.

The fact that Superstitious Magic’s operation method is entirely dependent on chance and situation, its unreliability, and actually being an addition to all other methods also suits the concept. A shaman who wants to receive support from their ancestors’ totem after completing protection spells might, by chance, find this support and become slightly stronger. If they don’t receive support, there’s nothing to be done. The same applies to a barbarian or warrior who normally does not have access to magical powers. Examples of Superstitious Magic applied in a “what if it works” manner can provide a small yet significant advantage when they work.

People whose lives are constantly threatened need all the advantages they can get, even if those advantages depend on chance. Therefore, Superstitious Magic holds an essential place in the lives of Brutal Races.


Ibrahim M. Celik

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