In Brutal Races, there are species that are more involved with arcane magic. In this article, let’s compare them and see what they offer to players who prioritize arcane classes.
Bugbears do not have a direct arcane-priority subrace. However, among the Serpent Tribe bugbears, there are those with a propensity for illusion and especially shadow-themed spells.
Arcane threat level: 5
Among gnolls, the most familiar with arcane magic are undoubtedly the Damneds of Baimrhi. These half-undead gnolls have lifespans ten times longer than others, providing a significant advantage in terms of time for studying arcane magic. Also, their cursed nature leads them to delve into research to find a cure.
Arcane threat level: 10
Like bugbears, goblins do not have a species directly associated with arcane matters. Some Snakefoot and Muzzler goblins attempt to specialize in this area, but arcane magic is certainly not a lifestyle or priority for them.
Arcane threat level: 3
Among hobgoblins, although Sellsword hobgoblins seem to have a knack for arcane magic, few specialize in it. In contrast, the warrior Castellans have much stronger arcane spellcasters. Worldly hobgoblins can also achieve significant power in this field when they want.
Arcane threat level: 6
The most powerful arcane spellcasters among kobolds are undoubtedly the Primalist kobolds. Arcane research is a real passion for them, and they mostly wish to be left alone to pursue their personal studies. Although they might not try to change the world with their magical powers unless provoked, there are many noteworthy arcane spellcasters among them. Overlord kobolds, with their advanced civilizations and vast libraries, may have significant arcane spellcasters. Some remarkable sorcerers can also be found among Dragonsong kobolds.
Arcane threat level: 9
Two types of lizardfolk are particularly interested in arcane magic. Tailspinners are undoubtedly the most advanced in this regard. They use transmutation spells both to alter their bodies and to shape their settlements, highly valuing arcane magic. Thornyback lizardfolk use everything at their disposal to conduct their intrigues and gain advantages, and arcane spells are one of their most valuable weapons. Although the use of arcane magic is common, the number of high-level spellcasters is much less than among Tailspinners.
Arcane threat level: 9
Among troglodytes, the Devilkin troglodytes are undoubtedly the most inclined towards arcane magic. Trained by their powerful extradimensional masters, they are natural magic users and may have access to numerous magical resources. Muckbinder troglodytes, although primarily psionic beings, are quite interested in arcane magic.
Arcane threat level: 8
The real arcane spellcasters among minotaurs are, of course, the Myrmidons. Even those who are not specialized in spells have basic arcane training, and their fighters, including arcane features, can rival any spellcaster in the realms. Masquerade and Lifewarden minotaurs may also have those who develop themselves in arcane spells, though not as much as Myrmidons.
Arcane threat level: 10
Among orcs, Branded and Golden orcs are interested in arcane magic. However, Branded orcs are generally versatile and research all kinds of magic with equal enthusiasm. Golden orcs are more devoted to arcane magic but tend to limit themselves to learning enough spells to protect their settlements and produce suitable magical items.
Arcane threat level: 6
Some half-orc variants can be extremely dangerous in arcane matters.
Anxs can easily solve the most complex arcane formulas with their crazy brains.
Arcane threat level: 9
Bewitcheds can channel arcane energies directly with their mystical and enigmatic characteristics.
Arcane threat level: 8
Bogeys, especially those who are warlocks, are numerous, and many devote themselves to their patrons.
Arcane threat level: 7
Godlikes, usually versatile and undisciplined, are known to produce some very significant sorcerers.
Arcane threat level: 5
Umbrals, being demonspawn, can specialize as warlocks or sorcerers in addition to the powers they inherit from their evil outsider parents.
Arcane threat level: 7
Although Viriles have few arcane spellcasters, their analytical intelligence makes them extremely successful when they specialize in this field.
Arcane threat level: 5
- Didn’t Make The Cut: CHURGRUN
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